Saturday, January 25, 2020
Research Proposal On Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay
Research Proposal On Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay This research paper explores the issue of global warming and the shifting attention that the skeptics are receiving in the recent past. This paper focuses on the global warming as defined by the scientists and the skeptics point of views in the debate. The skeptics of global warming are attracting attention from the public while gaining a respect from the climate scientists. Despite the skeptics calling for a sharp role back to political and industrial sources thought to contribute to global warming the climate scientist are playing defensive and are not backing down either. The increased momentum in the shifting of the public views over the past years have led to controversy over whether global warming is real or not and whether human activities really contribute to its occurrence. research ha shown that the acts of skeptics of global warming is changing the view that people have on the issue regarding global warming and increasing number of individuals are a strong to believe on th ese skeptics and it might lead to compromised efforts in curbing the menace. This research will provide and in-depth analysis of both the scientific and the skeptical views regarding the causes and effects of global warming on the planet earth and the survival. It will focus on the views of various skeptics that seem to be shaping the thoughts of the public which play a critical role in preventing further global warming. In addition to that the result of this research will help the environmental scientists to strategize on dealing with the skeptic ideas which jeopardize the efforts being put into curbing the causes of the global warming for instance in terms of public education. Finally the research will yield information on whether the global warming is really caused by human activities as climate scientist claim or its just a fallacy as claimed by the skeptics. Literature Review Global warming is described by climate scientist as a phenomenon that contributes to increase of temperature which is near the earth surface as well as in the oceans which started in the mid-twentieth century and its has been projected to be a continuing process. Assessment done by intergovernmental panel on climate change has shown that global service temperatures has been increasing and its attribute to various reasons which include: increasing concentrations of the greenhouse gases which are caused by the human activities like the burning of fossil fuel and deforestation (Mintzer, 129). The green house gases; nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor, which traps the heat and like from the sun in the earth atmosphere which in turn serve to increase the temperatures which affects humans, animals and plants. Interruptions resulting from climate change when tolerance level of the living organisms is exceeded leads to death e.g. extreme high and low temperatures causes ex tinction of less tolerant species. Global warming as been argued to result to a rise in the global temperatures which in turn leads to a rise in the sea level as well as altered patterns of precipitation thus expansion of the subtropical deserts. In addition to that the change lad to retreating of the glaciers, sea ice and the permafrost in the polar regions, increase of extreme weather events like cyclones, erratic rainfall and dry spells, extinction of species and changes in the agricultural yields hence affecting human survival. Finally the rising atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to more acidic oceans a phenomenon predicted by climate scientists to continue. Projections derived from climate models indicate that the global surface temperature is going to rise further during the 21st century. These projections are marred with uncertainties as estimates from these models were obtained from models with differing sensitivities to greenhouse gas concentrations and use of varying estimates of the future concentrations of greenhouse emissions. The climate scientist have a consensus that anthropogenic global warming is an occurring phenomenon but the political as well as the public debate rages on whether that consensus is actually true or false. This debate has been in the recent past intensified by the increasing skeptics of the global warming who have gradually changed the scientific perception of the public on the issue of the global warming. Many people in the world question whether global warming realty exist or not and if it does exist, what are the reasons of its existence. But the fact is that there has been an increase in the surface temperature of the earth in the past century from 0.45 to 0.6 and believers of the global warming belief that its the warming is a proof of tits existence but skeptics believe that the warming is just a natural phenomenon and it should pose no worry at all. The debate takes a very interesting angle as both skeptics of the global warming and its believers have a valid scientific data t hat proofs the justification of each side of belief. Skeptics of the global warming have a belief that global warming is not an environment problem and think that the recent increase in the earths temperatures does not causes any alarm. In addition to that skeptics of global warming also belief that the earths polar caps and coastlines does not show any signs of disappearing in the near future. They have a strong believe that the models that climate scientist use to proof the occurrence of global warming and predict its effects are misrepresented and go further to argue that the models prediction showed that the effects of global warming was to more adverse in the last century than t actually was. Skeptics also argue that temperate increases has been occurring and fluctuations are widespread through out time even before the widespread emissions of the carbon dioxide that climate scientists link to be the root cause of global warming. Skeptics of the global warming argue that the models sued to predict effects of global warming are entirely based on facts hence ca not be trusted. Some believed that climate change is part and parcel of the planets cycle which has taken place before. Bellamy states that the sun is growing old and is becoming warm than before, its spots do affect the earth by warming it up and subsequently the atmosphere. Other natural activities or rather processes deemed to cause global warming include out gassing, solar radiation, microbial activities, variation in sea salinity are much responsible for global warming while anthropogenic impacts are negligible. Nicola summarizes all these by saying, At least 60% of warming the earth observed from 1970 seems to be induced by natural cycles which are present in the solar systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In addition, skeptics of global warming are of the opinion that the projections about global climate are likely to be inaccurate due to inadequate of current models about global climate changes, although it is not stated whether or not the values are high or low. According to Richard, (11 and 12) he holds that there have been an increase in average surface temperature, increase in carbon dioxide level which is a greenhouse gas with the potential of warming up the earth, but he further said that we cannot confidently coin the past change in climate to carbon dioxide and similarly, we are not capable of predicting future climatic conditions. The argument here is that if the increase in carbon dioxide emission warms the earth, at present, the earth could have been warmer. The same is echoed by Garth who said incase there is an increase in emission of the gas so that it is large enough to be recognized, it is not yet fully accounted for/answered. Skeptics of the phenomenon, global climate change, have challenged these view held by the majority on the basis of the following that global warming that stimulates GCC is actually not taking place, the causes of global warming is purely a natural process and man has not played any part and if yes the impacts are negligible, some say that the causes of the phenomenon is not known, the negative implications of global warming are few compared to the perceived accrued benefits, and the accuracy of instrument used to project issues relating to climate are deemed questionable. Despite these two contradiction opinion about global warming, those on both sides opt to carry out more studies in order to substantiate their claims and facts. For instance, it is important to correlate carbon dioxide emission and global warming as well as developing global climate change models that are of fewer errors (Nikkhah, 96). Although there is a very strong consensus that global surface temperatures have risen in the recent past, there are those who are of the opinion that global climate change is not as serious as the way it has been put. The accounted causes of global warming among others include; high solar intensity that keeps increasing, oceanic circulation cycles, biosphere impacts, change in ultraviolet radiation, volcanism, reflectivity, variation on earth rotation, changes in solar systematic, change in galaxy positions and anthropogenic effects. The effects of the phenomenon being rise in the sea level, melting of arctic sea ice, rise in sea-surface temperatures, melting of glaciers and permafrost, prevalence of heavy down pour leading to flooding, desertification due to extreme drought conditions, increase in average surface temperature which affects human health, increase in strength and frequency of hurricanes, increase in frequency of heat waves and acidification of sea water as well as chan ge in ecosystem. Research methodology To carry out this research the methodology to be employed will focus on obtaining the ideas and views from the public regarding the debate on the global warming. The manner in which the research is conducted will employ both the qualitative and quantitative methods and bring out clearly the entire mechanisms involved in collection of data, analysis as well as in the interpretation of the research results. Both secondary and primary sources of data will be used to obtain the information from the public on their beliefs on the issue of global warming. The data required will also be collected using the secondary sources and case studies will be utilized in soliciting for relevant information. The data obtained will then be analyzed and presented using charts and tables where appropriate (Gleick, 90). To ensure that the data required for the research is obtained to ensure that it addresses the objectives as well as the research question, both secondary and primary sources will be of great help. The types of primary sources to be used in the research include: conducting interviews, issuing of questionnaires and personal observations. After obtaining permission from the relevant authorities, the questionnaires will be distributed to the randomly sampled public and collected at a later date. Use of questionnaires ensures that a larger population is covered at a time as they are distributed to different participants at same time. The secondary sources used include the use of the internet source like online publications, the library sources like books, journals and research dissertation to obtain blended information on global warming and past research findings and reports from organizations. Finally the information obtained in the field will then be analyzed using the non parametric a statistics and this is done after filtering, modeling and transformation process. The analysis of the data will then yield information necessary for drawing conclusions and recommendations. In addition to that descriptive statistics will also be utilized in analyzing the data especially in description of the sample under study. In order to for the significance differences of the hypotheses and research questions a T-test is carried out (Stern, 201). Use and dissemination of research findings The findings of this research paper will be of great benefit to various stakeholders engaged in conducting public education regarding the causes and the effects of global warming. Information from the research will play a critical role in identifying the options and views that the public have on the controversy surrounding the existence of the global warming hence they will be able to target in changing the stated views to garner their effort in curbing the menace. Ina addition to that research finding will be used by students and researcher who are interested in the debate and may also be used to elaborate on the issues especially on the part of the literature review of other future projects. Another use of the research findings include increasing understanding on the concerns of global warming by the public hence acting as a resourceful source of information (Watson, et al, 124). The research findings will be disseminated using various channels like: posting and publishing then in the online resource centers to be accessed by internet users across the world and hard copies will be printed as a dissertation to and distributed to libraries to be accessed by anybody interested in the obtaining information on global change.
Friday, January 17, 2020
English Language Teaching and Ict
ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND ICT BY BANDELE ADEBOYE SOGBESAN SENIOR LECTURER IN ENGLISH, DEPT OF LANGUAGES, TAI SOLARIN UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, IJEBU ODE. INTRODUCTION Language has been described by various scholars over the years according to the perceived roles it plays in different circumstances. Sapir (1921) sees it as a system of arbitrary vocal signs and symbols used for the purpose of communication. It can also be seen in the light of Christophersen’s (1981) view as a conventional tool of self expression adopted by a society in carrying out its socialising functions. Language in both its written and spoken forms, is a vehicle through which man relates with and interpretes the world in which he lives. Various human groups and societies are typified by the language they speak, hence a Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, French or Ghanaian is identified not just by the geographical boundaries which separate them, but also by the distinct linguistic instrument by which they express themselves. Cultures are integral parts of languages, and it is almost impossible to fully express one cultural experience in another language. It is a mainly human attribute which, going by Chomsky’s claim, is however not inherent but is learned or acquired as part of the normal maturational process. In a second language situation as the English Language is in Nigeria, the learning of a target language is not as easy or involuntary as a first language (L1); apart from the deliberate, planned and largely artificial process of teaching and learning, both teachers and learners are constantly searching for improved ways of acquiring cognitive, affective and psychomotor perfection in the new language. It becomes understandable therefore why over the years, there have been changes in pedagogical approaches to language teaching, ranging from the traditional practice of teaching the rules of the target language, through emphasis on practice and repitition without teaching the rules (Williams, 1999), to the more recent integrative approach. This approach combines the inclusion of useful aspects of various theories with contemporary practices and influences in the wider society. It is in this light that we shall examine the relationship between Information and Communicatins Technology (ICT) with the teaching and learning of English Language at the basic level of education in Nigeria. THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE POLICY The National Language Policy as enunciated in the National Policy on Education (1998 Review) prescribed the language of the environment as the medium of instruction in the first three years of formal schooling while English was to be taught as a subject. English was to become the medium of instruction from the fourth year of schooling upwards. The intent of the policy formulators was to enable the child attain a reasonable level of linguistic competence with its attendant cultural awareness. Ironically, the average Nigerian parent appears to prefer their going ‘straight for English’, a factor which could have engendered the mushrooming of private schools in the country and painting the picture of a failing public school system (Sogbesan. 2006). Unfortunately, a large part of the teaching workforce in the private schools are not so much academically quallified or experienced for effective teaching results. LANGUAGE TEACHING AND ICT In Nigeria, English Language has proved to be the most viable link to the outside world. Myriad textual materials, including books and periodicals, videos, journals exist alongside various softwares on the computer and internetwhich enhance the abilities of teachers and learners alike to improve their mastery of English both as a subject and as a service subject. It is expected that with increased ICT awareness, even the pedagogy of English with the various innovations and new avenues for retraining are available online. Some of the accessible ICT facilities that the English Language teacher can avail himself of accross language skills include; The virtual library, This online library provides access to thousands of books and journals which government, schools and private subscribers can consult regularly to update their knowledge and abilities. Packages like Mirosoft Encarta, Encyclopaedia Britannica e. t. c. provide both online and offline acess to vital information in the areas of content and pedagogy. (instantiate) Audio tutoring facilities like radio, television, e. t. c. The information highway also provides access to news and educational materials on a regular basis. Some of the language teaching-learning uses to which ICT can also be put to include; Aural/Oral drills- e. g. phonetic symbols are available on the computer, words and sentences can be heard in the L1 form. (demonstrate) Vocabulary Development and Semantics- e. g. Online / Offline dictionary, Spell Check, Grammar Check, Translator, e. t. c. Where direct contact with original English language forms is required, various softwares are available for both teachers and students to use. Essay Writing- Models and formats are available and teacher/learner can join groups or networks to exchange essays or have them assessed online and offline (e-pen). Furthermore, imaginative recreation, the hallmark of a good essay, can also be enhanced via access to news (print and electronic), great public speeches and events, e. t. c. Also, creative and interesting drills through games like ‘Scrabble’, ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’, e. t. c. are available. Advantages of ICT teaching/learning include; i. It is largely interractive and individualised- The teacher or learner does not need to go through a period of tutelage to master the use of programmes. He masters the various dimensions of use as he goes along. Each learner can therefore develop at his own rate. ii. It is learner –centred, learner- friendly and often exciting to use, thus making sustained contact with subject content less cumbersome. The young learner is encouraged by the excitement of self actualisation and is easily motivated to carry out independent study. ii. It guarrantees consistently high quality of instructional matter that meets global standards. This is moreso because new packages are constantly being turned out for consumers in a seemingly unending race towards perfection. iv. Information provided is quite contemporary and new trends in pedagogy, as well as quick, cheap and easy exchange of new information is guaranteed. Disadvantages of ICT teaching/learning include; i. ICT hardware and packages ma y not be easily affordable to many students in the public school system. The teacher should however be creative and the school should make available at least the minimal materials needed for teaching and learning. Government and the other stakeholders should be quick to come to the aid of needy schools as the need arises. ii. The erratic nature of public power supply could be frustrating to the average teacher or student, but schools should endeavour to procure necessary support materials to enhance subject delivery. Teachers and students should also visit private service providers like cyber cafes as may be necessary. iii. Many teachers are averse to change . There is therefore an urgent need to continuously reorientate teachers accross all levels of basic education to enhance receptivity to modern trends. iv. Unguarded exposure of underage children to the information highway could expose them to items of information which could be distractive or even destructive for them. CONCLUSION In conclusion, teachers and students at various levels of basic education in Nigeria need to endeavour to catch up with the global trend not only to facilitate teaching and learning, but to also package for the future a generation of Nigerians who are able to hold their own in the contemporary world. REFERENCES Rufai, K. I. (2008). ‘Computer in Human Endeavours’ in Sotonode et al (eds) Effective Teaching and Learning of Primary Science Practicein Public Schools in Ogun State. Ijebu Ode. ACUFES Prints. Sogbesan, B. A. (2006). ‘Teaching in The English Language in a non- native situation:Problems and Prospects in Nigerian Education’ in Ayodele et al (eds) Aspects of Language and Literature: A text for Tertiary Institutions. Ibadan, Olu Akin. Williams David(1999). English Language Teaching: An Integrated Approach. Lagos, Spectrum.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Impact Of Service Economy On The Hotel And Hospitality...
United States has becoming a corporate nation and its economy is primarily based on the service sector. The corporate greed for more profit is crumbling world’s economy. The reason this sector has implications for work in this country is because of constant increasing in the hotel and hospitality industry. The most important reason of growing these sectors are women that they choose to work outside their household. Negative and Positive Aspects of Service Economy A service economy refers to a financial concept that says that service is becoming more and more important in product offerings. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that some of the service sector, primarily consists of truck transportation, messenger services, and warehousing; information sector services; securities commodities and other financial investment services; rental and leasing services; professional, scientific and technical services; administrative and support services; waste management and remediation; health care and social assistance; and arts, entertainment and recreation services. The positive aspect is that service economy creates more jobs in the community, but on the other hand the negative aspect is that these jobs pay low wages and most of them do not include any health benefits. The shift of service economy had a big impact on the society. The change from manufacturing to the service sector created jobs with low pays. The other impact was manufacturing factories do not have as many employees asShow MoreRelatedThe Experience Economy On The Hospitality Industry1458 Words  | 6 PagesThe Hospitality Industry is an industry that relies greatly on the Experience Economy. Today, receiving the product is no longer satisfactory to customers, and they need more than just the product, and that is where the Experience Economy comes into play. In this paper, the Experience Economy will be discussed and described. The discussion includes facts such as the introduction of the Experience Economy by Pine and Gilmore. In addition, an analysis on the impact that the Experience Economy has hadRead MoreEssay on hospitality scope size and diversity941 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Unit 1: The hospitality Industry THE SIZE, SCOPE AND DIVERSITY OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The scope of the hospitality industry refers to the range of businesses that provide services and facilities. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Eating Disorders Eating Disorder - 2461 Words
Eating Disorders Even though eating disorders are less prevalent in society today than they have been in the past, they are still one of the most diagnosed mental illnesses today. These three illnesses have short term as well as long term effects that can leave a damaging toll on the patients’ lives and are very hard to overcome. This is shown through not only the characteristics of Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-eating Disease, but also through the psychological and physical harm these diseases leave on the body. History Eating disorders have been charted throughout history; some of the oldest discoveries come from as far back as 700 B.C. many cultures used imbedded the traits of eating disorders without knowing. These traits were used in terms of medicine, religion, and at times of celebration. For example, the ancient Egyptians drew hieroglyphics of their practices of vomiting. They believed that by vomiting for three days out of the month that they would avoid illness. Another example of ancient practices is found in the culture of the Romans. Around the time of Caesar’s rule (700 A.D.), wealthy romans would throw feasts, when they started to become full they would go to a vomitorium to purge, then they would return to their feasts to once again overindulge. The last examples are the women of Italy. To show their devotion to their religion these women would expose themselves to extreme means of torture. One of the most famous icons of these actions is SaintShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders : Eating Disorder1205 Words  | 5 PagesEating Disorders in Today’s World Eating disorders are alive and well in today’s world and they are a major problem. An eating disorder can look like a few different things, ranging from a severe reduction of food intake to over eating to feelings of negativity towards your body shape or weight (Lehigh University). While some disorders can only be found in specific age groups, races, etc., eating disorders can be found amongst all and it does not necessarily have to be pointed towards food (LehighRead MoreEating Disorders : An Eating Disorder1184 Words  | 5 Pagesas an eating disorder. Weir (2016) goes on to explain the origins behind eating disorders in individuals. This topic is important because, in the United States, many women and men suffer from a clinically significant eating disorder at some point in their life. It is important to know the influences that cause an individual to experience an eating disorder. Genetically, or environmentally, or both genetically and environmentally. Anorexia ner vosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are eatingRead MoreEating Disorders : An Eating Disorder1906 Words  | 8 Pagesobtain their body goal, thus causing an eating disorder. An eating disorder is a psychological condition that is characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. There are three types of eating disorders; which are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating.These disorders affect all aspects of a person’s life, including their psychological, emotional, and physical health. There are many factors that contribute to individuals developing eating disorders including: genetics, family pressuresRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1573 Words  | 7 Pagesaffects people called an â€Å"eating disorder.†Why did you choose this topic? I chose this topic because it is a very prevalent issue in our society today, and a close friend of mine is suffering from an eating disorder. What question(s) did you want to answer or what was your hypothesis regarding this topic? As mammals, there is no chance of escaping the need to consume food in everyday life. However, when it comes to food there can be a major concern of eating too much or eating too little. Doing eitherRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1104 Words  | 5 PagesEating disorder is a serious problem happens in both men and women. Eating disorder is a sort of disease in which a person is having a strange routine of eating like consuming a huge amount of food each time they eat. This can incorporate not eating enough nourishment or indulging. Eating disorder influence many people around the world. The larger part of peoples who are dealing with this issue are ladies. A person with eating disorder issue may focus nonsensically on their weight and shape. EatingRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1410 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"An eating disorder is about anxiety and control and healing from trauma and food and weight are just the tools of destruction†(Floyd, Mim ms, Yelding, 2008). An eating disorder is defined as a severe disturbance in eating behavior. An eating disorder, as defined by our text book for class, is psychological disturbances that lead to certain physiological changes and serious health complications. The three most common and most easily identifiable forms of eating disorders include anorexia nervosaRead MoreEating Disorders : Eating Disorder966 Words  | 4 PagesEating Disorders Many people, both women and men of all ages, suffer from the psychological disorder, eating. Up to thirty million people in the world suffer from some kind of an eating disorder. There a two types of eating disorders, anorexia and bulimia, and have several methods of treatment. What is an eating disorder, and what do they cause? Eating disorders are maladaptive and very serious interruptions in eating. They can come in the form of overeating, or not eating enough, they are oftenRead MoreEating Disorders And Eating Disorder1496 Words  | 6 PagesAn eating disorder is an illness that causes serious disturbances to your everyday diet, such as eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating. A person with an eating disorder may have started out just eating smaller or larger amount of food, but as some point, the urge to eat less or more has gotten out of control. Severe distress or concern about body weight or shape may also signal an eating disorder. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and a binge-eatingRead MoreEating Disorders : Eating Disorder1031 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"The eating disorder is a very jealous and abusive partner. It requires a lot of devotion in the extent that you have to devote yoursel f to tending to the anorexia. There s not a lot of time left over for adult life,†was stated by Dr. Doug Bunnell, a specialist in eating disorders. Eating disorders effect a variety of people. Age, race, and gender aren’t role playing keys in eating disorders. Not everyone gets an eating disorder, but if they do then, it will more than likely destroy their livesRead MoreEating Disorders : An Eating Disorder Essay771 Words  | 4 Pagesabout you. Benji I suspect you have an eating particular, anorexia. An eating disorder is a psychological disorder that interferes with peoples eating habits. Eating disorders falls under the avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder category. Eating disorders are more prevalent in women than in men. Over 10 million women and 10 million men suffer from an eating disorder. But, Anorexia Nervosa is more common among Caucasians. Eating disorders impacts women everyday by inaccurately depicting
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