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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Living With Parents Vs. Living :: essays research papers
Living with Parents versus Living Alone      Living with your family and living without anyone else resembles living on two unique planets. It will influence everything about your life, directly down to the manner in which you talk, the nourishments youeat, and how much cash you can spend. It will likewise decide how regularly your companions visitand how much opportunity you have.      Living with your folks is like living in an imperial royal residence; you will appreciate the extravagances of a rich house, clean clothing, and a marginally greater financial plan, yet you will likewise need to concede to the ruler and sovereign of the domain. You will rapidly find that if your sovereigns aren’t upbeat, nor are you. While living under the standard of the guardians, you should go out so as to mingle. Your companions will likewise fear the fierceness of your sovereigns, and might visit you, yet just for brief timeframes. You will likewise need to hold up until your folks leave on get-away to host an appropriate house gathering.      Living alone, in any case, yields substantially more space for no particular reason. You can feast on pizza and brew each night in the event that you wish and your companions can visit whenever. The furniture will be based on your personal preference, similar to the rotten fired jar in the corner with the weird mouthpiece. What's more, you can clean the house under your own measures of tidiness, not your mom’s.      The new opportunity accompanies a more noteworthy obligation too. Living alone, you’llbe confronting the joined anger of the filthy dishes, the clothing, and a wide range of new bills to pay. What's more, you can’t approach your folks for money related help, it will just demonstrate to them thatyou can’t make it out all alone.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The SAT Controversy :: essays papers
The SAT Controversy 1) According to the video and the article, who and how was the SAT created and for what reason? The SAT, or as it was brought first and foremost, the Scholastic Aptitude Test, had its introduction in the late 1930’s. In 1933, a noble man by the name of James Bryant Conant turned into the leader of Harvard University. At the time he became president, just the first class in the territory were conceded into Harvard. This unmistakable social gathering was all male, all white, all Protestant, generally Episcopalian. They essentially were descendents of the Puritans who had originated from Europe. These were tolerable individuals however they had framed a shut gathering, right around a club, and controlled everything. James Conant was not especially attached to this gathering and he needed to open the hold they had on Harvard as well as on the entirety of America. He had a dream, which really began with Thomas Jefferson, that there were individuals across America who were astute, extremely skilled, and fruitful and you expected to discover them, teach them and afterward let t hem run the nation. His objective was a boorish society. In any case, he required an approach to recognize these individuals so he could carry them to Harvard to get that training. As a stage toward that path, Conant initiated another grant program for young men who were scholastically skilled and who didn't originate from the first class Eastern all inclusive schools where Harvard had constantly gotten its understudies. In any case, Conan required an approach to assess these understudies. He gave that assignment to his associate senior member, Henry Chauncey. Henry Chauncey was an exceptionally aggressive person who cherished mental testing. Chauncey met a man, named Carl Brigham who had been a piece of the army’s IQ testing group during World War I. In the end, Carl Brigham adjusted the army’s IQ test for use in school affirmations and Chauncey revealed back to Conant about the new SAT test. Conant needed affirmation, nonetheless, that this test was a trial of unadulterated insight and not of the nature of the instruction an understudy had gotten. Him that young men of low or humble methods and tutoring not be punished. Chauncey consoled Conant and the SAT was received to assess the candidates for the grant to Harvard. Later it was acknowledged as the selection test into Harvard for all understudies and in the end all Ivy League schools.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Signs and Symptoms of Addiction
Signs and Symptoms of Addiction Addiction Addictive Behaviors Print Signs and Symptoms of Addiction By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Updated on June 04, 2019 Tom Dee Ann McCarthy/Getty Images More in Addiction Addictive Behaviors Caffeine Internet Shopping Sex Alcohol Use Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery All addictions, whether to substances or to behaviors, involve both physical and psychological processes. Each person’s experience of addiction is slightly different, but usually involves a cluster of some of the below signs and symptoms of addiction. Symptoms vs. Signs Symptoms can only be experienced by the person with the addiction, whereas signs can be observed by other people. You can never know what someone else is experiencing unless they tell you, so if you are concerned that someone else may have an addiction, look for signs as well as for symptoms. Signs and Symptoms of Addiction You might see some of these signs but not others in an addicted person, but you can still be addicted even if you do not have all of the symptoms. These are signs which occur across many, but not necessarily all, addictions. Some of the common signs and symptoms of addiction are: SecretivenessLyingStealingFinancially unpredictable, perhaps having large amounts of cash at times but no money at all at other timesChanges in social groups, new and unusual friends, odd phone conversationsRepeated unexplained outings, often with a sense of urgencyDrug paraphernalia such as unusual pipes, cigarette papers, small weighing scales, etc.“Stashes†of drugs, often in small plastic, paper or foil packagesTolerance, which is the need to engage in the addictive behavior more and more to get the desired effectWithdrawal happens when the person does not take the substance or engage in the activity, and they experience unpleasant symptoms, which are often the opposite of the effects of the addictive behaviorDifficulty cutting down or controlling the addictive behaviorSocial, occupational or recreational activities becoming more focused on the addiction, and important social and occupational roles being jeopardizedThe person becoming preoccupied with the addiction, spending a lot of time on planning, engaging in, and recovering from the addictive behaviorExtreme mood changes â€" happy, sad, excited, anxious, etcSleeping a lot more or less than usual, or at different times of the day or nightChanges in energy â€" unexpectedly and extremely tired or energeticWeight loss or weight gainUnexpected and persistent coughs or snifflesSeeming unwell at certain times and better at other timesPupils of the eyes seeming smaller or larger than usual 7 Types of Drug Paraphernalia and Clues Parents Often Miss Use Caution Most of the signs of addiction can have other explanations too. For example, someone can be secretive because they are planning a birthday surprise for a friend. People can have changes of energy for numerous reasons, health-related and otherwise. They can make new friendships and end old ones for many reasons other than addictions. Be cautious about jumping to conclusions. Unless you have found drugs or drug paraphernalia or have some other obvious evidence of an addiction, it is likely there is another explanation. However, do not be naïve if you have found drugs or drug paraphernalia, as you may end up with legal problems if you do not address the situation. Tread Carefully Most of the signs of addiction are similar to normal teenage behavior. Unfortunately, teenagers are one of the groups most vulnerable to addiction. Parents who are concerned about their teenage child should be very careful when discussing addiction with a teenager. Study Identifies Top Risk Factors for Teen Substance Abuse Types and Signs of Other Addictions The links below will give you more details of the signs and symptoms of specific addictions. Substance Addictions The most common substance addictions include: Alcohol â€" for example, wine, beer or liquorAmphetamine or similarly acting sympathomimetics â€" for example, speed or crystal methBenzodiazepines â€" for example, Xanax, Valium or KlonopinCaffeine â€" for example, coffee, tea or sports drinksCannabis â€" for example, marijuana, grass or hashCocaine â€" for example, coke or crackHallucinogens â€" for example, acid or ecstasyInhalants â€" for example, poppers or aerosolsNicotine â€" for example, cigarettes, cigars or nicotine patchesOpioids â€" for example, heroin, morphine or painkillersPhencyclidine (PCP) or similarly acting agents â€" for example, angel dust or ketamineSedatives, hypnotics or anxiolytics â€" for example, sleeping pills or downers Behavioral Addictions The most common behavioral addictions include: Computer â€" for example, internet, video games, social networking sites, cybersex or online gamblingEating â€" for example, overeating, bingeing or purgingExercise â€" for example, weight loss or sportsGambling â€" for example, VLTs, casinos or slot machinesGaming â€" for example, computer gamesSex â€" for example, porn, cybersex or multiple partnersShopping â€" for example, spending or stealingWork â€" for example, overwork, money or power How to Live With and Treat Behavioral Addiction
Friday, May 22, 2020
When Is the Spring Equinox
Depending on where you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal equinox (better known as the first day of spring) begins every year on March 19 or 20. But what exactly is an equinox, and who decided that was when spring should begin? The answer to those questions is a little more complicated than you may think. The Earth and the Sun To understand what an equinox is, you must first know a little bit about our solar system. The earth rotates on its axis, which is tilted at 23.5 degrees. It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. As the earth spins on its axis, it also orbits around the sun, which takes 365 days to complete. During the year, the planet slowly tilts on its axis as it orbits the sun. For half the year, the Northern Hemisphereâ€â€the portion of the planet that lies above the Equatorâ€â€receives more sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. For the other half, the Southern Hemisphere receives more sunlight. But on two days each calendar year, both hemispheres receive an equal amount of sunlight. These two days are called equinoxes, a Latin word that means equal nights. In the Northern Hemisphere, the vernal (Latin for spring) equinox occurs on March 19 or 20, depending on which time zone you live in. The autumnal equinox, which signals the start of fall, begins on September 21 or 22, again depending on which time zone youre in. In the Southern Hemisphere, these seasonal equinoxes are inverted. On these days, day and night both last 12 hours, although the daylight can actually last up to eight minutes longer than night due to atmospheric refraction. This phenomenon causes sunlight to bend around the curve of the earth, depending on conditions such as atmospheric pressure and humidity, allowing light to linger after sunset and appear before sunrise. The Start of Spring Theres no international law that says spring must begin on the vernal equinox. Humans have been observing and celebrating seasonal changes based on how long or short the day is since time began. That tradition became codified in the Western world with the advent of the Gregorian calendar, which linked the change of seasons to the equinoxes and solstices. If you live in North America, the vernal equinox in 2018 begins at 6:15 a.m. in Honolulu, Hawaii; at 10:15 a.m. in Mexico City; and at 1:45 p.m. at St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. But because the earth doesnt complete its orbit in a perfect 365 days, the start of the vernal equinox changes annually. In 2018, for example, the equinox begins in New York City at 12:15 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time. In 2019, it doesnt begin until 5:58 p.m. on March 20. But in 2020, the equinox starts the night before, at 11:49 p.m. At the other extreme, the sun at the North Pole lies on the horizon of the earths surface on the March Equinox. The sun rises at noon to the horizon on the March Equinox and the North Pole remains lit until the autumnal equinox. At the South Pole, the sun sets at noon after endless daylight for the previous six months (since the autumnal equinox). The Winter and Summer Solstice Unlike the two equinoxes when days and nights are equal, the two annual solstices mark the days when the hemispheres receive the most and least sunlight. They also signal the beginning of summer and winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21, depending on the year and where you live. This is the longest day of the year north of the equator. The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, occurs on December 21 or 22. Its the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. Winter begins in June, summer in December. If you live in New York City, for example, the 2018 summer solstice occurs at 6:07 a.m. on June 21 and the winter solstice at 5:22 p.m. on Dec. 21. In 2019, the summer solstice starts at 11:54 a.m., but in 2020, it occurs at 5:43 p.m. on June 20. In 2018, New Yorkers will mark the winter solstice at 5:22 p.m. on Dec. 21, 11;19 p.m. on the 21st in 2019, and 5:02 a.m. on the 21st in 2020. Equinoxes and Eggs It is a widely held assumption that one can only balance an egg on its end on the equinoxes but this is simply an urban legend that began in the U.S. after a 1945 Life magazine article on a Chinese egg-balancing stunt. If youre patient and careful, you can balance an egg on its bottom anytime. Sources Byrd, Deborah. March Equinox! Happy Spring or Fall. 20 March 2017.Epstein, Dave. Why is Monday Considered Spring? The Vernal Equinox, Explained. 20 March staff. Vernal (Spring) Equinox. Museums Greenwich staff. Equinoxes and Solstices.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Essay The Strengths and Weaknesses of Skagit Valley College
The strengths and weaknesses of Skagit Valley College differ from which campus you attend. The particular strengths and disadvantages can range from: students able to retake their Compass Test, high school students can attend free, Skagit prepares students for four year colleges; but my campus does not have many classes, its first come/first serve, and it’s a small school that doesn’t have many programs. My campus has criminal justice classes, but not a criminal justice program. The class points you in the right direction but doesn’t help you in real life situations. There could be possible solutions for these weaknesses. Students or civilians take a Compass Test to see where they lie at. Basically the Compass test is used to†¦show more content†¦As Skagit Valley College may be excellent, it also has its weaknesses such as the first come/first serve policy or statement. If a person is on the right lead to his/her career but is having trouble getting into a class required for a degree, that takes out proportions of his/her time waiting until the next chance. Sometimes students are frustrated and it affects their grades. Other times they want to or quit and wait until they can go somewhere else. It all depends on how a person is going to respond or react to a class they are seeking. Also the campus I attend to at Whidbey Island is very small. This doesn’t give students the full experience of how a regular college is like. Several Universities are huge and have several students attending their campus. Whidbey’s campus is like a tenth of a regular college. Skagit Valley College on Whidbey Island doesn’t have many classes. I wanted to take classes for medical tech, but I found none. This can affect students that prefer particular majors, as of course the campus doesn’t offer it. So this leaves them unexperienced when they go to a college that has their course available. The people that live on this island sh ould convince the government that they should invest more money into Skagit Valley College Whidbey Island Campus. If we convince the government to support us, then we should have a vote for
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King Free Essays
â€Å"The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Jr.†is a first hand account of the life of one of America’s greatest civil rights activist. Martin Luther King Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King or any similar topic only for you Order Now , also known as Dr. King, was most known for his contribution to events such as the Selma to Montgomery March, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and the march on Washington where he would deliver his famous â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech. All of these events in turn changed America’s view on racial bias, segregation, and African American rights. I chose to read on Dr.King because on every January 21 on MLK day and I was curious why he is being celebrated. I later learned how Dr.King dramatically impacted the United States of America gifting equal opportunity to everyone no matter their race or religion. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Georgia. His mother was a teacher and his father was a Baptist minister, which got him into religion at a young age.Martin was a bright student skipping 9th and 11th grade going on to attend Morehouse College in Atlanta at age 15. He continued his religious education eventually becoming a Baptist minister at the age of 19 like his father. While Martin was pursuing his doctorate at Boston University he met his future wife Coretta Scott. They would marry in the summer of 1953 and the following year he received his first preaching job at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery Alabama. In 1955 King received his doctorate in systematic theology from Boston University. Later that year on December 1 Rosa Parks was arrested after refusing to give her seat to a white man and sit in the back of the bus. This event caused MLK and other civil rights activist to join forces and boycott the Montgomery city buses on December 5, 1955. On January 30, 1956 MLK was speaking to a mass meeting when his home was bombed. Luckily no one was injured but people were angry at those who bombed his home. King addressed the angry crowd and pleading nonviolence, something he learned from Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. Later that year on November 13 the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Montgomery and Alabama bus segregation laws unconstitutional. On August 28, 1963 King joined The March on Washington witch attracted more than two hundred thousand demonstrators. On the steps of the Lincoln Memorial King delivered his famous â€Å"I Have a Dream†speech. In 1964 he was named Time Magazine’s â€Å"Man of the Year†and won the Nobel Peace Prize. Toward the end of his life King continued to be a political figure voicing his position on controversies and leading movements. Some include equal voting rights, opposing the Vietnam War, and even organising a mass civil disobedience campaign called the â€Å"Poor People’s Campaign†. On April 4, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel by a man named James Earl Ray. Dr. King passed away at the young age of 39. This autobiography was an insightful first hand account of the life of MLK and I would recommend it to a classmate. This book really inspired me to accomplish my goals in life much like Dr.King did. King overcame struggles such as violence, racism, and imprisonment to accomplish his goals. If I met Dr. King I would thank him for his sacrifices and strides he made for equality. He had a dream that we are all living out today, an equal opportunity to succeed. How to cite The Autobiography Of Martin Luther King, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Information Age Essays - Media Technology, Digital Media
Information Age INFORMATION AGE The 20th century has seen extraordinary growth in technology; however, it has only been in the last decade that this boom in information has been accessible to the entire world through new technologies like computers and the Internet. These new technologies have found their way into areas of modern culture, such as photography, print, and film, enhancing its potential through its creation of CD-ROMs, websites, and computer games, terming the phrase new media which represents the new cultural forms that depend on digital computers for distribution. Consequently, the challenge not only becomes how to accommodate increasing information, but also how to organize information in new media. Through examples given in lecture, it is shown that the strategies in organizing information in this new media are not new, but have drawn from the techniques seen in more traditional forms of media. Focusing specifically on the organizational methods used in graphical user interfaces and the Web, the sa me techniques can be traced to modern art and video because, as a whole, culture and human behavior does not change. As Manovich said in his lecture, While we now rely on computers to create, store, distribute and access culture, we are still using the same techniques developed in the 1920s. The avant-garde of the 1920s has become the standard computer technology of today. These techniques have become materialized through the computer and its interface. For example, the avant-garde cinematic techniques of temporal montage and montage within a shot found its way into new media and became the key feature of all computer interfaces, known as windows. Like shots of a film, interface windows containing information could be presented all at once within the screen (montage within a shot). However, since the windows are opaque, users are forced to see one window at a time (temporal montage). Both techniques are at play in the Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) in todays computers. I believe that the montage was so revolutionary because it presented a new way of seeing the world. Early filmmakers presented hum ans with the option of two pleasures, getting as much information as possible, and a way to absorb it in an organized manner. And in this age of increased information, human behavior has remained unchanged only to become stronger. Society wants more information and more control. As a result, GUIs inherit the characteristics of the montage to provide overlapping and resizable windows of unlimited amounts of information all at the users fingertips. Another area of modern culture that has influenced the techniques of organizing information in new media is video. For example, in Lynnfields lecture, he presents a video by Gary Hill called Site Recite. Lunenfield describes it as a continuous movement through a dataspace. In short, users are taken on a fluid experience where series of objects are revealed and users are presented with infinite scenarios and possibilities in which choices are expected to be made. This video, as described by Lynnfield, plays on humans need for exploration, visual stimulation, and interaction. Evidence of this can be seen in the success of film and video games. This is a reason why information on the Web is presented and organized as it is. There are millions of websites on the World Wide Web, full of information and loaded with imagery and visuals. More importantly, the web is connected by links in a way that there is not starting point or ending point on the Internet. Through hypertext and hypermedia, infinite amounts of information are linked together in a space only activated my user interaction. With these techniques, users of the Internet are emerged in a seemingly endless environment where humans can achieve the have satisfaction exploring new worlds and gaining new information with just one click of a button. As human behavior and culture remain constant, accessing and organizing information in areas of modern culture or in new media will also remain unchanged, only to see growth in technology and information. Alfredo H. Vilano Jr. ICAM 110 Spring 2000 May 10, 2000 Prof. Manovich PAPER # 2 NEW TECHNOLOGY, NEW POSSIBILITES The growth of the Internet of over the past couple years has dramatically changed the way humans communicate, learn, entertain, do business, and shop just to name a few. It has
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